Sheena Easton Quotes

1. Every time I show up to do something here it's considered a comeback. If I came into town and they didn't call it that, I'd be disappointed.

2. Proving I'm a good mother is the one achievement I'm most proud of. It's brought out the best in me.

3. Any time I have to get on a plane and leave my kids for a few days, it's kind of tortuous.

4. Disco is just pop music you can dance to.

5. Even if your job is a professional singer, we still dork out at home.

6. Even though I pretty much made my own decisions early on, when I was younger I tended to overbook my life.

7. I have lived in the United States for half of my life, my entire adult life.

8. I have the life of Riley. I take my kids to school, do a bit of work in the afternoon, pick my kids up, microwave a meal, hang out with my kids, and work for a couple of hours.

9. I used to hate, with a capitol H, making videos. It was nothing but a chore. It was something you had to do to have your music accepted in the visual medium.

10. I used to think I had to stay frozen in time. No amount of Botox will keep up.

11. I was blessed in the sense that I got handed so much early on in life. I got a lot of the things people go through their 20s and 30s craving.

12. I wouldn't consciously pursue trying to make something for the charts. It's just not in my scope now. I'd rather stick needles in my eyes.

13. I would make tea for Joni Mitchell or clean her car, anything to be in the studio and watch her work.

14. I'm a terrible dancer. The worst.

15. I'd love to a duet with Luther Vandross.

16. I'm definitely a pop artist at heart.

17. I'm just passionately in love with my kids.

18. If I have no children what would be the point of living.

19. I'm terrible at relationships. I consider myself to be smart and a good mother but it's taken me this long to realize you don't have to marry a guy after three days or dump him.

20. If I was still at school, I'd be looking at Britney Spears and dying to be her.

21. It's nice to have been around long enough to be a part of people's lives. A lot of people who come to my show are real nostalgic for the '80s.

22. My mother has never been involved in my professional life. I am very close to my mother but we keep it on a mother-daughter basis and not a work-related basis.

23. It's very validating when you are new in the industry to get awards. It boosts your self-esteem.

24. My sole focus as far back as I can remember was all about my dream to become a singer.

25. Prince used to call me up 3am in the morning and invite me to hear some of his new songs.

26. The whole world has changed much since the '80's. In the united States, rap music and country music dominate radio and that certainly wasn't the case in the early '80's.

27. We are supposed to enjoy the good stuff now, while we can, with the people we love. Life has a funny way of teaching us that lesson over and over again.

28. When I was working with David Cassidy at the Rio, I made an album of updated versions of some 1970s disco tunes. I had a blast.

29. When you're single and in your 20s, you throw on a pair of jeans and look fabulous.

30. When my kids are in college, maybe I'll drag my fishnets and high heels out.

31. After enough therapy and enough looking at your life, you realize that if it ain't making you happy, you need to find what's genuinely going to make you happy.

32. All of my ego gratification took place when I was young. It was fun and fast.

33. All of the songs have a real place in my heart, some of them I produced or wrote.

34. Any award you receive from your peer group is kind of validation that you've won some sort of recognition of respect amongst people doing the same job.

35. As I slowly creep toward my 40th year, my life goes on at a blinding pace and I have rarely a moment to spare.

36. Being a mother had never crossed my mind. It was just not in the radar.

37. Everyone knows the Rat Pack, obviously. Who else was in the Rat Pack?

38. Hopefully when you leave, you're gonna know me so much better than when you came in.

39. I am planning a trip to film a photo safari in the wilds with wolves and bears.

40. I chose L.A. as my adult home. I have my two small children who were born and raised there and where my babies are is my home.

41. I feel very at home in a theatre environment and will miss the cast and crew when it is over.

42. I get to relive my youth every night.

43. I hope my work has been speaking for itself.

44. I look forward to the next stage of my life.

45. I loved working with Ian and Terry, the producers, and, of course, I always cherish any chance I get to sing in the studio.

46. I needed to nurture someone in my life. I had never done that. My life had been about me. It was like the biological clock exploded. I needed to be a mother.

47. I really like the pace of my life right now. It has a good balance of work and play and I have lots of time just being a Mom. Life is good. I count my blessings.

48. I started to pursue Broadway, as well as TV and the cartoon voiceovers. It was doing things that were exciting and new. It was a learning curve.

49. I think the audience is responding to the fact that they see I'm authentic now, that I'm just me. I'm not someone who's trying to be part of the latest trend.

50. I use my job as a way to stress responsibility. When I'm working on a show, my director's my boss. My producer's my boss. The audience expects me to be there. They're my boss.

51. I was new on the scene and had just had a huge hit with Morning Train 9 to 5, so I captured the attention of the producer.

52. I was not interested in having kids in my 20s. If I'd suddenly become a mother I'd have been horribly dismayed.

53. I'm an old gal. People have this image of me from the 1980. I used to get stressed about it, but I've realized that if they are old enough to remember those images, they probably look different too!

54. I've done things before that are personal statements and can be emotionally revealing.

55. If I was going to live with someone, I was going to get married.

56. If I'm not going to work six nights a week in Vegas, other places are asking me to come in for one night, two nights or a weekend.

57. If it was one thing over and over again-if I was the purple cat in Cats or something for the next 15 years-I'd quit. I'd kill myself. I have to mix it up.

58. In my concerts I feel as if I owe it to the fans to give them the hits they know and love, as well as new material.

59. In the early '80's the music variety format was pretty much replaced by MTV, so video was your only source to be seen on television with your music.

60. In this new album Fabulous, I had a great time making the video for Giving Up Giving In because I surrendered my negative attitude and gave myself over to having a good time.

61. It is always bitter sweet when a creative project comes to an end, but I must admit I am really looking forward to doing something fresh.

62. It is not always easy to gain radio acceptance unless one tows a particular production line or follows the fashion trend.

63. It's wonderful to be doing a family show. There's so little that you can take the whole family to and know that they're going to come away enjoying it on so many levels.

64. My family live in England now, and I've lived in California for 20 years.

65. My kids know that a miniskirt and big hair and a quick toss of the hair and a pout at the camera, that's acting. You're acting out what the song is.

66. My priorities have changed like night and day. My whole focus has shifted greatly. I've scheduled my life so I have a lot more time at home.

67. No, I'd like to be able to play an instrument fabulously. Or painting.

68. That's what this album is…my chance to be a teenager again.

69. The record company said they needed me to come to Europe and do all the talk shows, radio shows, all the record stuff, plus make a video. It was everything I hated.

70. This is my kids' first experience with an honest-to-goodness forever dad. I see the difference it makes to them. This family is going to stay together if I have anything to do with it.

71. We all know that 80 percent of the best dance clubs in any city are gay clubs. I know I have a huge gay following. This record is aimed at the club crowd.

72. I have never claimed to be Miss Hip and I never tried to appeal to an avant-garde audience with a green streak in my hair, a bag over my head and songs about living couches. Some entertainers lose their way because they're always trying to make a statement with their music or trying to be cool enough to be in with The Rolling Stones crowd. Well, that was never me. So sue me; I'm a pop singer. People bounce along in their cars to my songs and that's good enough for me.

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