Kate Hudson Quotes

1. Honesty will never break you.  

2. I did not like leaving them when they were little or big. You have to have priorities regarding what you will allow to take you away from your kid.

3. Never worry about bad press: All that matters is if they spell your name right.

4. I always wanted to be a mom.

5. I auditioned on my own. I tried to make a mark for myself without anybody's help, not even Mom's.

6. Do you know what a blessing it is to make movies that make people happy?

7. I don't know if people really want to know how I feel about drugs. I'm not such a stickler. I believe you can choose to live your life any way you want.

8. I have never done a thriller, and it will just be really fun for me to heave and pant and run and climb and break windows and scream every once in a while.

9. I gained 60 pounds, and I'm proud of it. Why do I need to watch my weight when I'm pregnant? I could eat whatever the hell I want to eat.

10. I smoke, isn't that terrible?

11. I'm not a big fan of romantic comedies, believe it or not.

12. I went on countless auditions. I begged my parents until I finally was allowed to be in a theatrical play when I was 13. It was the most important thing in my life.

13. I talked to ex-wives of musicians of the '70s for research. They're the funniest people in the world, yet there is this sad, beautiful thing in their eyes that says they've seen more than they could ever possibly tell you.

14. I'm not afraid of heights. I rock climb. I can repel off the side of a building.

15. I'm superstitious... but not like wear the same underwear for two weeks superstitious.

16. If it's a big hit, fantastic. If it's not, then it's not. I don't worry about my work.

17. Somebody can become a celebrity for being stupid. That is what it's turned into.

The only things I'm competitive in are backgammon and poker.

18. When you're nursing and you're working 18-hour days, that's pretty hard.

19. You have people who can't act and they get all these parts. Paris Hilton falls into her own category. She's made a career out of it.

20. I don't believe (monogamy) is realistic. But, I believe that we, as people, have the power to make it happen.

21. Sometimes I'll be walking down the street and I'll hear some American and I'll just go: "Of course they hate us, of course they can't stand us. We're the most annoying, boisterous creatures in the world." I mean we come in and we eat mounds of food, and we're like: "Where's the ketchup for our French fries." I'm like: "Shut up." (explaining how she REALLY feels about her American fans when being treated poorly in France.)

22. I have zero problems when people say: "God, you look like your mother." I go: "Well, great! Thanks!"

23. I have a big, flamboyant, open personality, which I think is why people may be saying these nice things about me.

24. I realized for the first time how much a human being is capable of loving something. Love is scary, like anything else, whether you're falling in love, whether you're discovering love in something else…if you're really going to jump off the cliff, when you meet somebody that you love you're going to jump off that cliff, you've got to give them everything. And when you have a kid, it's on a much greater level.

25. I did grow up with Kurt Russell as a Dad, who was a professional baseball player, with all boys. All I wanted to do was be the best athlete. I was the kind of person that in high school, if I didn't beat the record, I was very disappointed in myself. I finally got to do that in my work.

26. I love when I can work with a director who demands me to go to places that I know I can go. I've gotten that opportunity twice. Ian is an amazing actor's director, who loves working with actors. It's so much fun, and Cameron was like that too.

27. My big New Year's resolution is to be more patient. My thing is I'm always rushing myself to make sure everything gets done. My thing is to kick back a little bit ... start soaking it in now.

28. In terms of fear, that was shockingly easy for me to be able to tap into, because it was so accessible. We don't realize how much fear we do carry around with us. We're constantly trying to be, hopefully, rid of our fears, but they're always lingering.

29. Reporting Iran to the Security Council is a disappointing step backwards in nuclear non-proliferation.

30. I do love clothes but sometimes I think I should pay more attention to what I'm wearing. I just wear what is comfortable.

31. I think Galliano is one of the most thrilling designers. He uses lots of color. I really enjoy his clothes.

32. In the early 1980s when the British government decided to purchase the Trident nuclear weapons system, Britain faced a perceived threat from the nuclear-armed Soviet Union.

33. Was a big part of the appeal for me. I read the script really fast and thought: "God, this is so much fun." First off, I love scary thrillers like this, and then to have the chance to be really active and break windows and run around in the rain and do my own stunts - how great is that?

34. I've always been so inspired by Gena, especially her performance in "A Woman Under the Influence". So I was so excited to find out she was also in ( "The Skeleton Key" ), and then when John came on board, I was like: "This is going to be wonderful and I'm going to learn so much." But then you have this fear - they've been doing this a long time, you don't know what their methods are and how they're going to be.

35. I felt horrible because I thought I was letting the director and the studio down.

36. To bear children is the ultimate in femininity; it's beautiful. And if having kids is going to affect my career, then fine, let it. I don't really care. Because if that's what being a star is all about, I don't want it.

37. The serious threat that these laws will be used to curtail the right to protest... We must defend our democratic right to protest.

38. He's such a hustler. He's always been like that. He's a very underrated star in the NBA. I think he's just about to come into his own.

39. I got so much advice; I just started tuning it out. If one more person told me what I had to do when the baby comes, I was going to shoot 'em.

40. I'm a hippie at heart. I wear the clothes, and they're the best. And the music is incredible, too.

41. Everyday, I tell my husband: "Maybe we should cash in. I'll make handmade lotion and you can write music and sell it on the Internet".

42. I'm Jewish and this was the first time I experienced real anti-Semitism. Paris was scary...there were synagogues bombed and there was anti-Semitic graffiti all over the place. I was very angry. This is something I am passionate about.

43. I'm kind of a little bit all over the place with my type - I do like complicated. (on her type of man)

44. I'm very sexual, I can't help but love sex.

45. When I was a teenager, like, when I turned 16, I loved boys. That was just my thing. My mom was like: "Oh boy, she loves boys!" I always loved boys. I still love boys.

46. People think you can put your sexual life on hold, but you have to find time for it. Without that relationship, our family is broken. My mom really implanted that in me when I was pregnant.

47. I’ve been on so many bad dates. I went on one where I just left because he was so boring. I felt really bad, and I didn’t want him to pay for dinner. It’s like: "It’s really nice to meet you" - moving on! Then you call your friend and you’re like: "Really? Really? Is that who you think I would have a great night with?"

48. I sometimes feel like when you're talking to boys, they just hear certain keywords...But if you had a bubble above their head, they'd be thinking about game scores, masturbation and food.

49. Without my makeup, the clothes, I'm really plain looking.

50. I am the only flat chested girl in Hollywood.

51. I wasn't exactly a band aid growing up, I was always the groupie. And I don't mind saying that.

52. I've done drugs. As far as all the heavy drugs and all the things that go on in that lifestyle, it's all left our life.

53. I fell in love with Chris. He's my man. I think he's just the most incredible singer. He has an amazing voice.

54. I was a huge groupie. I really liked his music and when I first met Chris. We talked all night, with no flirtation or nothing. We really just enjoyed talking to each other.

55. I'd probably much rather be in Wyoming. I'm like a gypsy Mom.

56. I have broke many boy's hearts, I still love a few of them.

57. We'd contact Bob Marley and ask him to come back for one last concert.

58. My celebrity crush really? I don't have a type. Thom Yorke is one.

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