Linda Evans Quotes

1. I was looking very much for a career. My second marriage to Stan Herman had ended, and I wanted very much to be independent, not take alimony from him, be on my own, do the right thing.

2. If there's no inner peace, people can't give it to you. The husband can't give it to you. Your children can't give it to you. You have to give it to you.

3. You can take Elvis. You can take Marilyn Monroe. Success and fame will not be the answer if something inside of you is bothering you, if things in your mind aren't going right.

4. Aaron Spelling went further than anyone has ever gone for television.

5. Find out what you don't want to know about yourself, what you're afraid of.

6. I always looked for a man to rescue me and bring me happiness. I bought into that myth, of course, and looked for my own Prince Charming.

7. I didn't want to make a man the No. 1 quest in my life.

8. I have had work done.

9. I never saved my money. Whenever I worked in the past, I would spend it on my family or my husbands.

10. I no longer need to be someone's wife. I'm doing okay as I am.

11. I just fell in love with his music. I thought Yanni was Japanese. I didn't have any idea what a Yanni was. I just thought I was in love with a Japanese man who wrote beautiful music.

12. I was born in Connecticut. But my parents brought my sister and I to L.A. when-Hollywood, actually, when I was 6 months old.

13. I played with dolls until I was 15. My mother encouraged it because my older sister got married when she was 15, so Mom thought that the longer I stayed with dolls, the better.

14. I wanted to be able to go shopping without people looking to see if I really was one of the world's 10 most beautiful women. I longed to be myself.

15. I'm not obsessed by how I look or with being reed thin, but I do think that as a woman in my 50s, I have 40 years ahead. Looking after yourself goes hand in hand with looking good.

16. Money to me is just the biggest blessing in the world that allows me freedom.

17. It doesn't matter if I don't succeed in something, what matters is that I learn from my mistakes.

18. My first speaking part was to read for John Forsythe for Bachelor Father. I was the lead, opposite him.

19. Nobody's got it made. Nobody, no matter what they look like.

20. Right after Dynasty ended I had a facelift and laser surgery to get rid of lines around my eyes.

21. You cry tears when a man leaves you at any age - it doesn't matter whether you are 20 or 60.

22. A kind of interesting thing with Rock - he's a prankster.

23. A whole family would be absurd now. But one child would be wonderful.

24. After Dynasty, I wanted a reality check. I wanted to get in touch with real life, you know? That kind of world is kind of outrageous.

25. All my life I kind of had the strangest career because whenever I fell in love, I stopped working.

26. And thanks to Aaron Spelling, who I adore forever and ever and ever, because he made it possible for me to take 14 years and go away and just do whatever I want to do. He helped me to get rich.

27. Even if it is just walking for an hour each day. Such simple measures can stop you ending up in a wheelchair or using a walking stick.

28. Every time I had to get up in school and do a scene, I would throw up. I just thought it was the worst thing in the world.

29. I can honestly say that I felt really very fortunate that I was able to have the career that I had and the fame, the success, the love of people all around the world.

30. I don't have a hard time being alone. When I'm on location, I'm not uncomfortable having dinner by myself in a restaurant.

31. I don't sing at all. Every film I've ever been in that anyone's seen me singing, I'm not singing. I just can't carry a tune.

32. I don't think I've met the great love of my life yet.

33. I go around speaking. As a matter of fact, I have a fear of public speaking which I learned in school to overcome so that I could do this.

34. I had everything you can have that people think would make you happy.

35. I knew he was gay. I just didn't know he had AIDS.

36. I knew that there were answers to things that I wanted to find.

37. I left Dynasty before it was over. I asked to be released from the show.

38. I left the business. I wanted some answers to some things that I couldn't find.

39. I love Dolly Parton. She's one of my favorite people of all time. And she's so completely honest.

40. I loved Stan. I still adore Stan. But Stan shouldn't be married. He'd been a bachelor most of his life, and it was very difficult. He's since been married and divorced again.

41. I read the script, and I just thought it was a gift from God. I was so excited, because the people were so intriguing to me and they were so interesting.

42. I stayed in relationships that weren't right too long. I've since understood that, but I'm still very loyal.

43. I think the greater choice is to keep the quality of the person that you love so much in your life. And keep that going.

44. I wanted to be in love. And I knew that with the life that I had and the way that I was working and what I was doing, there was no time for it.

45. I was always looking outside to see whether things were working out all right. It was never Linda, you know?

46. I was rich enough. I knew that fame didn't matter to me so much. I just wanted to find some inner peace.

47. I went into an ancient school of wisdom and I spent years going inwards, meditating and, you know, finding God within me.

48. I'm 61. And when you leave town for, you know, 14 years and you go do something else, it's not exactly the simplest thing to come back. But I sort of love the challenge of it, to tell you the truth.

49. I'm an optimist and I believe that I'll find someone I'll love more than I've been able to love before.

50. I've never been exactly a character actor.

51. If you're happy with yourself, just love yourself and go on and on and on.

52. It was hard with John. And it was hard with Yanni. Because love doesn't stop.

53. It would be terrible right now if I had to go to work, you know, if I was desperate. It would be difficult. Because I've been desperate before, you know?

54. It's almost as if my life is just beginning and I intend to have 40 more years of a lot of fun.

55. John and I have maintained our warm and loving relationship over the years, ever since we did Dynasty together.

56. John is loving and kind. He's a gracious man who truly cares about me. And I like that, because it's nice to know someone really cares for me.

57. John's comforted me through difficult times and I was there to help him when his beloved wife died. That kind of friendship is rare but when you have it, it's wonderful.

58. Mel Gibson said he was at the height of his career and he just was miserable in himself. That he was lost in some ways.

59. My favorite thing to do right now in my life is speaking to women about overcoming their fears and their insecurities and their doubts. Because I've been on the other side of it.

60. My mom and dad were both sick in the hospital at the same time. I thought my mom was going to die but my father ended up having a more serious illness.

61. My mom died while we were doing the show and Barbara Stanwyck was there for me for everything until she died.

62. My mother died when I was very young and my father died when I was in my early teens, so most of my life I have just wanted people to love me and to be a good girl and do the right thing.

63. My sister was destined to be an accountant for movies.

64. Relationships change after time. Yanni was working hard and we were travelling so much. In the end there was too much work and not enough time for us. We're still very good friends.

65. The other things that I did before, when I was under contract to MGM Studios, were pretty pathetic.

66. The thing about Rock was so great is when he was with you, he always made you feel like he was just a man that could flirt with you and be with you. He was just this kind of a man.

67. The trouble with plastic surgery is that after 10 years gravity wins out and you have to have another one in a year or so.

68. There are roles for people who aren't kids any more. But usually these are people who are current and working and doing things.

69. There are ways to incorporate a pregnancy or ignore it, depending on the storyline.

70. These last few years, even pretending to have a marriage with John has been heaven. It's so wonderful to be able to come in and express that part of myself and act it out.

71. This is the first time in the entire world that women have the freedom to do the things that we can do. And still, you know, in the Middle East and a lot of parts of the world, women aren't free yet.

72. What part do I play in not having my dream? If I'm a person who's going to marry forever and have kids, why am I now a person divorced twice, without children?

73. What's really great is when you're in a television series with a bunch of people.

74. When I fall in love I give everything of myself to that person and struggle to maintain my own place in the relationship. The only way I knew how to be as a partner was to be completely selfless.

75. When the show finished, I left Hollywood. I didn't want to stay in a place where the pressure to look good was so high.

76. When you choose the very best people that exist, you don't have to have fear.

77. When you're young, you just go right along. When you're older, you think, they've switched the rules on me.

78. You can cut them out of your life, but then you lose the beauty of that person in your life, that you love so much.

79. We've been here about five times. We were just shopping one day and found it.

80. There are no words to express this. Everybody says there's nothing they can do. This is outrageous.

81. We're just hoping to get through the winter.

82. People are going back to cutting wood. I feel sorry for the elders.

83. The restriction of not living within a certain distance of parks or whatever is really just about a stigma, a perceived need for supervising parolees. It will demonize people on parole and make it impossible for any of us to have a second chance, to re-enter society or lead a normal adult life.

84. Hopefully, this gift will help propel these institutions into the future.

85. Of course we will miss him, but this is a great opportunity and an affirmation of how the club sees him.

86. This is Highway 90. Non-stop.

87. I have a two-week break coming up! I'm going to cook and go Christmas shopping. I'm going to get a facial and a manicure. See how bad my hands are? I haven't been to a manicurist in two months.

88. I've always been rather low-keyed about my affairs, although my relationship with Yanni was high-profile.

89. Ramtha's School of Enlightenment... It's spiritual. It has to deal with the gods within each person, no matter race, gender, color, creed.

90. The original Dynasty pilot we shot with George Peppard. He was Blake Carrington.

91. I have a wonderful network of friends and feel blessed to be surounded by so many people I love.

92. Over time, you think of them in a different kind of way. Which is why it wasn't a problem for me to be around Bo or Ursula or Pati, his first wife, you know?

93. I actually went out to read for a movie that Levy, Gardner and Laven were doing, who did The Big Valley. And I went in, and I read for them. And they chose the two of us.

94. When John left me for Bo, I was completely devastated. I was 30 and he thought I was too old for him!

95. Having a career-which I always thought would take me away from happiness -is bringing me closer to it than I've ever been. It's made me the woman I need to be to have the man that I need.

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