Pete Burns Quotes

1. August 8th, 1980. That was the day Lynne and I got married. The only thing that spoiled it was that the man in the registry office had to go and make a feeble joke by asking which one of us was the bride. (when asked about the happiest day of his life)

2. You'd never catch me dead in a pair of fishnets! For one thing, they are not practical. And for another thing, it's just like a tacky drag queen.

3. How trashy do I seem? I like deliberate Trash. I collect items like Elvis Presley clock radios and '50s memorabilia. It inspires a lot of my imagery. I like tasteful trash.

4. I look at these marriages between big stars like Sadie Frost and Jude Law and wonder how they expect any relationship to last when they spend most of their time thousands of miles part. Lynne is a massive part of my life - she always has been and always will be. When I go abroad touring, she comes with me. (commenting on his long and happy marriage)

5. If you own a car, you change that every few years and that's just what I'm doing with my appearance.

6. When you're out of here, you're going to get a job at Disneyland… as one of the rides.
(to Chantelle Houghton)

7. Rula Lenska thinks I'm gross, vulgar, trashy and that my mouth's filthy. And that my clothes are exhibitionistic. I just think she's read me completely wrong.

8. Fuck Big Brother and his mother!

9. You're insincere to the point of nausea. Everything you are, and everything you aspire to be, is repugnant to me.

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