George Michael Quotes

1. I've never done anything so political before. I've spent years shouting my mouth off about serious issues over dinner tables but never really had the confidence to express my views in a song.

2. I don't really think that there is anyone in the modern pop business who I feel I want to spar with.

3. I've always been the porky boy in my head.

4. I've achieved what every artist wants, which is that some of their work will outlive them.

5. You'll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart.

6. I don't want to look at other people my age in leather. Why would I put it on?

7. I have never felt any ethnic connection between the Greeks and me other than how hairy I am.

8. I find it too terrifying to go out in L.A.

9. I have never thought about my sexuality being right or wrong. To me it has always been a case of finding the right person.

10. I had to walk away from America, and say goodbye to the biggest part of my career, because I knew otherwise my demons would get the better of me.

11. I'm surprised that I've survived my own dysfunction, really.

12. It's only when the kids are in their late twenties that families really face up to what they are.

13. I've written a whole body of work that I'm incredibly proud of.

14. The trajectory of my particular soap opera with the press launched from that statement Elton made about eighteen months ago when Elton hadn't seen me for years. Elton said he thought I was really miserable for some reason. From that point on I've been trying to prove that I'm not. Unfortunately it made me incredibly vulnerable to the press.

15. I have been doing this on and off since I was a teenager and never once seen violence. If I want to see violence or what I call shameful behavior, the idea that women in clubs these days have to hold their hand over their drink for fear of being drugged…Please don't tell me as a member of the straight community that I am taking risks. I know what I do and I am sorry, but we should not be taking questions like this, from straight women in particular…I do not deserve the criticism. What I don't have respect for is some demand for answers from an openly gay man who is living his own life. I have not cheated or lied about my sex life to anybody in my life, in my entire life. I hate not to be able to rise above it, but there is only so much you can take. I'm suing the individual involved who I have never, ever seen, let alone wanted to have any kind of sexual encounter with, and I'm currently investigating suing the secondary sources of libel. I am taking legal action against the photographers because they're harassing me and I should not have to worry about who's watching me at 2:30 in the morning.

16. I have more love, success, and security than I could ever dream of.

17. If I can just live further from the spotlight I think that'll be better for all really.

18. If someone really wants to hurt you, they'll find a way whatever. I don't want to live my life worrying about it.

19. It's absolutely essential that we have the same safeguards that straight couples do. But I want more than a 50 percent chance of success. I don't want to emulate that.

20. I have got other interests than just making music. I would like to follow those interests through.

21. The whole business is built on ego, vanity, self-satisfaction and it's total crap to pretend it's not.

22. My ego is sated.

23. Women seem to ignore the fact that I'm gay. I think that women really get the feeling that I understand them. I grew up with two sisters, I went out with women when I was younger. I do understand them, unfortunately.

24. It's almost required with major artists that there's some duality. And I've got duality everywhere.

25. My depression at the end of Wham was because I was beginning to realize I was gay, not bi.

26. My American gay audience have continued to dance and sing to the music I make in a way that straight Americans haven't. I am grateful to them for that.

27. I have to believe that somebody up there thinks I've still got some work to do.

28. Celebrity and secrets don't go together. The bastards will get you in the end.

29. I know I have a very self-destructive tendency since my mother died, I have got to be honest.

30. I have the audience I deserve. Or at least I have the audience that represents the kind of people that I like.

31. Of course, I want to sell this record - there's no point making it otherwise.

32. Stars are almost always people that want to make up for their own weaknesses by being loved by the public and I'm no exception to that.

33. The fact I had my father as an adversary was such a powerful tool to work with. I subconsciously fought him to the degree that I drove me to be one of the most successful musician in the world.

34. (on his long-term partner, Kenny Goss) Gay relationships are a bit different. I'm sure we'll be allowed to roam if we want to. But we love each other dearly.

35. The '90s were a bit of a disaster for me in so many ways. On a personal level, I don't think I could have toured. Also, I had some physical problems with my back that are now sorted and I just wasn't in the right state of mind.

36. The media has affected everybody's consciousness much more than most people will admit.

37. I left school at 17 and was a star by the time I was 18 - in certain parts of the world anyway.

38. It is nice to know that the News of The World is still so concerned for my well being.

39. I think for most of us, our biggest frailties are sexual.

40. I mean, I've done different things at different times that I shouldn't have done, once or twice, you know.

41. There is no such thing as a reluctant star.

42. I went to prison, I paid my bill.

43. "Parkinson" (1971) is still the only interview on British TV that means anything. Perhaps that is because he appears to realize that his guest should always be the star of the show and...He paid for dinner!

44. You can't imagine what it's like playing to people who have been loyal to you for 25 years and haven't seen you for 15.

45. I really have no plans for any kind of career in TV or anything, but if I wanted to become good at it, I could. But I don't really think it's in the cards.

46. It's important to me that I should be free to express myself.

47. Your political system is actually too democratic. The fact that Americans vote on every bill and proposition can prolong bigotry indefinitely, especially where it is aimed at minority groups.

48. In a strange way I've spent the last 15 to 20 years trying to derail my own career. But it never seems to suffer. I suffer like crazy. I've suffered bereavements and public humiliations, but my career always seems to right itself like a plastic duck in the bath. In some ways I resent that.

49. I never minded being thought of as a pop star. People have always thought I wanted to be seen as a serious musician, but I didn't, I just wanted people to know that I was absolutely serious about pop music.

50. I've been very well remunerated for my talents over the years so I really don't need the public's money.

51. I spent years growing up being told what my sexuality was.

52. I'm not a novelty act from the '80s in most parts of the world.

53. The truth is my love life has been a lot more turbulent than I have let on.

54. I think the media is a real demon.

55. English people have seen me get through scandals.

56. I still believe that music is one of the greatest gifts that God gave to man.

57. With pop stars or film stars, we become the object of people's self-definition, as well as the object of sexual definition.

58. I went through a long period where I was afraid of doing things I wanted to do, and you get your courage back, which is what's important.

59. Because of the media, the way the world is perceived is as a place where resources and time are running out. We're taught that you have to grab what you can before it's gone. It's almost as if there isn't time for compassion.

60. I watch people who are not driven by creativity any more, and I think how dull it must be to produce the same kind of thing. If you don't feel you're reaching something new, then don't do it.

61. I'm the luckiest writer on earth.

62. Even though it's become a really cliched thing to see musicians working for charity, it's still effective and it still has to be done.

63. I am a political person, though not with a big P.

64. I would advise any gay person that being out in the real sense can never happen too soon.

65. Everything was going my way. I was happily marching into the history books. Then it all just fell apart.

66. I can't bear Catholicism.

67. I want to make a pop album - something more upbeat than my stuff was in the '90s.

68. I'm not anti-American. I've lived with Kenny, a Texan, for six years.

69. I am really not interested or excited by repeating former successes.

70. I write about my life.

71. I do think that Live Aid (1985) was a great thing, it focused people, I think it showed young kids the way in many respects and I think a lot of people are still inspired by what happened in the mid-Eighties.

72. Everything was going my way. I was happily marching into the history books. Then it all just fell apart.

73. I define my sexuality in terms of the people that I love.

74. I'm lucky to be alive.

75. It was my own stupid fault. I was in possession of class C drugs which is an offense and I have no complaints about the police, who were professional throughout.

76. I don't have joy in watching myself, whereas, actually, I quite like listening to my own music.

77. I'm just not security-minded.

78. I don't consider Americans bullies, but I do consider the American government bullying.

79. I do want people to know that the songs that I wrote when I was with women were really about women. And the songs that I've written since have been fairly obvious about men.

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